
October 03, 2010

Just for having fun yo~.. No one will be tagged by me, actually I have to, but no I won't.
I took it from fb, but I 'll publish it as a post in my blog. ^^

When you are tagged , fill it up and post it in your Notes as ' MyBiography ' and please give your own answers .

1. Where did you take your profile pic ?

Chilli's Sarinah. @ Billy's farewell party.

2. What exactly are you wearing right now ?

gray t-shirts

3. What is your current problem ?

I have to make a ppt of chemistry, study civil for tomorrow's test, and reading a bible for final. haha (but I'm not that religious)

4. What makes you happy most?

that tomorrow will be the last day of the mid?

5. What's the name of the song that you're listening to?

any song. trying to fing a good one for music test

6. Any celeb you would marry?

anyone as long as he's an idol.haha

7. Name someone with the same month of birthday as you?and why?

victor. bcause we're shared the same day but different year

8. Ever sang in front of a large audience?


9. Do you still watch kiddie movies or kiddie TV shows?

yes I do!! and I'm proud of it! 0.0

10. Do you speak any language?and what language/s?

Indonesian...a little English plus little mandarin XD

11. Do you ever watch MTV?

i have to!

Chapter1 :

1. Surname: don't have

2. Nickname (s) (for friends): fero, lala

3. Current location: my room

4. Eye color: black

5. Do you get along well with your parents?: Yes, of course

Chapter 2: Favorites

1. Ice cream: Chocolate: the best~

2. Shampoo / conditioner: dunno. conditioner : sunsilk

3. Person: JE boys? haha..

Chapter 3: Do You ...

1. love your idol?


2. Call people back?

depends on situation

3. Believe in love?

you might say yes

Chapter 4: what,who is/are your favorite ...

1. what are your favorite foods?


2. what color do you like most?and why?

blue black white gray. don't know. i just like it

3. what is your favorite subject?

music. PE


1. I love: God, families, friends

2. I don't understand: ??

3. Life is full of : the sh*t things like smoke, drugs, pollutions.

4. I get annoyed very quickly when: someone disturbs me

5. Parties are great if : I enjoyed it and forgot all the things that happen to me

6. Tomorrow is a lovely day to : do nothing!! haha

Today's amazing.
Abis tadi krisma, gara" ujan yang blom mereda, gw nunggu di pos satpam. Gw ga terlalu deket sama 3 satpam yang tadi lagi jaga.
Tapi tadi, gw dikasi kursi disuru duduk daripada nunggu di luar.
Yauda gw duduk.
Lalu, ada 1 satpam kasi duit ke satpam yang ngajak gw duduk.
Ternyata mereka nebak 2 nomor terakhir dari tuh duit berapa. Gw juga disuru nebak. Gw si ngasal aja. Pokoknya salah 1 dari mereka ada yang mendekati de. Malah satpam yang suru gw duduk tadi bilang dia bisa nebak n bener.. hoho
Pokoknya lumayan banyak mereka nebak. Trus, si satpam 1 (yang nyuruh gw duduk, gw cape kalo tiap kali nulis "satpam yang nyuruh gw duduk) bilang kalo kek gini tuh bisa mengasah feeling, uda gitu sekalian jadi hiburan biar kaga ngantuk. Dia juga bilang kalo latian kek gini feeling bisa tambah bagus, gw dibilang ada di tahap 4. Tuh 2 satpam uda di tahap 2.ckck

Trus crita" lagi, satpam 1 nanya bintang gw apa. Gw jawab aries. Dia crita" de orang aries tuh kek gimana sifatnya. Pemberani, kasi ide tuh katanya masuk akal, setia, rajin, trus kalo cari cowo tuh yang bintangnya libra ato virgo, biar cocok katanya..wkwk
Trus jangan sama pises, cos orangnya pendiam, tertutup gitu.
Uda gitu (-)nya, kalo makan berantakan.wkwk
Dia juga bilang kalo tau kek gini tuh berguna ntar kalo uda di univ, cari temen gitu katanya..

Mungkin ada beberapa yang benar, dan ada yang ga cocok ama g. Ntah lah, padahal tadi di krisma diajarin jangan percaya takhayul.

Uda gitu acara tebak-tebakan masi berlanjut. Si satpam 1 bilang kalo duit lama no serinya gede. Oh..